World War I 

In the Western Front, their main focus was stalemate and the troops dug in to trenches that stretched across the country and both sides stayed virtually the same positions for years.
Resultado de imagen para eastern and western fronts ww1
The Eastern Front and Western Front had different ways to face war. In the Eastern Front they focused on mobility. 

Picture: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/362469469988158611/?lp=true

The major characteristics of WWI:

- One of the most disastrous and deadly wars to ever been fought
- 13 million died approximately in Europe's battlefront
- The first 'Modern War', first war in which technology was used for war
- Trench Warfare was major characteristic of the war, armies dug sophisticated trenches into Earth

Source: www2.sunysuffolk.edu/westn/natureww1.html
